A Woman's Menstrual Cycle – The Reason We Are So Misunderstood and The Solution.

Fun Fact – 48.8% of women don’t have a proper understanding of the menstrual cycle.
Hi my lovely queens. How many times have you heard “Is it your time of the month?” or “Are you on your period?” obviously spoken sarcastically. What they really wanted to say was, why are you being a female dog? Well queen, me too. You have arrived at your destination.
Menstrual cycles are not something that should control our lives but, in a way, they do. The issue is how many women don’t realize how much of an impact it makes on us, physically, emotionally and mentally.
The Solution: A TrackHER Calendar
That is How TrackHER Calendars Were Born.
The TrackHER Calendar is not just a calendar and it's not just a period tracker. It's what every woman needs in her life.
Maybe you don’t track your menstrual cycle – let me tell you why you should and why its so important.
Maybe you do track your cycle using an app, perfect! Let me tell you why you need both.
The lack of education regarding menstrual cycles have led to a long history of us being completely misunderstood. I think it’s time we break that pattern.
I remember when I first learned about my menstrual cycle. It was daunting, there was way too much information, way too many “phases” – whatever those were, and just overall it was too complicated for me to care. All I knew was once a month, I bled and then moved on with my life. Pretty simple right?
Turns out girl queen, that’s actually completely false.
(GEN Z DICTIONARY: Girl queen = A woman)
Once I learned about my menstrual cycle, I just couldn’t stop, and to my surprise, our period is only a tiny little part of it.
I thought to myself for weeks – if everybody knew this about us, we would live in a much happier world because…Say it with me: a happy wife is a happy life (If only men could figure that out).
IMAGINE how many divorces could be avoided or, better yet, products of divorce.
(GEN Z DICTIONARY: product of divorce = the traumatized children who come from divorce and become a menace to society)
There just had to be an easier way for everyone to understand all of this?? And that is how I came up with this product.
You know how people say “dogs are a man’s best friend.” Well, this calendar is the girl’s version of that.
Why is Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle Important?

You might be asking yourself – why do I even care about any of this?
Here are some key benefits as to why tracking your cycle is important:
- It can help you gain insight into non-hormonal contraceptive methods
- It can aid in pregnancy planning and pregnancy prevention
- It can Identify patterns or irregularities
- It provides insight regarding potential health issues
- It gives you a better understanding of your emotional, mental and physical health
For my girls who exercise regularly, a fun fact: 3 in 5 women said their menstrual cycle affects their exercise, tracking it will help you understand when your exercise will be affected and The TrackHER Calendar will tell what you can do to help.
Did you know It is estimated that 50 million women worldwide use apps to track their menstrual cycle? If you haven’t started yet, now is the time queen.
What Is A TrackHER Calendar and Why Do You Need It?
In simple terms – it’s what every woman needs in her life.
In a world full of technology, I made a physical version of a period tracker, Crazy, coming from a Gen Z, I know, but it does more than just track your cycle.
It’s a calendar that has simplified the menstrual cycle, even in ways men can understand (I know right, finally!) The TrackHER Calendar provides insight into women in ways you probably never even recognized.
Unlike a digital period tracker, the calendar explains what’s happening to you in every phase and what you and/ or other people around you can do during each phase to help you feel your best. On top of that, there is no monthly paid subscription (as it is a literal calendar, lol.)
Maybe you’re a little more irritable than usual and you can’t quite figure out why, go take a look at your TrackHER, see where you are in your menstrual cycle and watch how everything makes sense.
How it does this will be spoken about in the section “How TrackHER Helps You Understand Your Body.” If you already know the four phases of the menstrual cycle and how a 28-35 day menstrual cycle works, click the link to go there now.
An Overview of The Menstrual Cycle

If you don’t know much about your cycle, this little section is a simple rundown for you:
There are four phases to a menstrual cycle: Your period (when you bleed,) the follicular phase (crosses over with bleeding,) the ovulation phase (when you are most fertile,) and the luteal phase (when you hate everything and everyone.) Your cycle begins on the first day of your period and ends right before your next period.
Menstrual cycles can range anywhere from 28-35 days, every person is different. I will dive deeper into this as we go but, for now, I hope that helped a little bit. You’d be shocked at how many things correlate once you learn about your cycle.
I feel like society has been better about representing women and speaking about our menstrual cycles, but I still think we have a long way to go.
How TrackHER Helps You Understand Your Body
The TrackHER calendar is a dummy-proof guide to women.
There are 3 different versions:
The TrackHER – It tells you whats happening to your body and what you can do to feel your best in each phase.
The gym girl TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body and what you can do in the gym to feel your best during each phase.
The Sweetheart TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body and what your partner can do for you during each phase to help you feel at your best and probably even help the relationship run a little more smoothly ;).
So basically, It has the four phases, the symptoms and what can happen to us during each of those phases. Depending on which calendar you get, it will tell you what you should do to feel your best in each phase or how the people around you can help in each phase.
For example, The Calendar will have a section for each phase, but for this example, let’s say you are in your luteal phase using the basic TrackHER Calendar.
It will look something like this:
Luteal phase:
- Progesterone levels rise
- Low energy levels
- Face puffiness, bloating
- Fatigue
- Easily irritable
- Weaker than usual
- Low levels of estrogen (which helps regulate emotions)
- Headaches
- Breast tenderness
- Change in appetite
- Heightened anxiety and/or stress
What you can do:
- Prioritize nourishment, rest, and self-care
- Try to get quality sleep
- Eat high-magnesium foods
- Low-intensity exercise
- Probiotics can reduce bloating and constipation
- Try your best to communicate your needs
- Avoid excess sugar and caffeine
The Sweetheart TrackHER during the luteal phase will look something like this:
Luteal phase:
- Progesterone levels rise
- Low energy levels
- Face puffiness, bloating
- Fatigue
- Easily irritable
- Weaker than usual
- Low levels of estrogen (which helps regulate emotions)
- Headaches
- Breast tenderness
- Change in appetite
- Heightened anxiety and/or stress
What he can do:
- Understand her cycle (she doesn’t have the capacity to handle small stressors right now like she usually might, as her estrogen hormone dropped)
- Offer emotional support (Be understanding, provide reassurance)
- Be extra patient (you will both need it)
- Encourage relaxation (Do what you can to help her out, take some things off her plate, perform acts of service)
- Small acts of kindness
- Stay active together (low intensity)
Now, you will also need to use a digital tracking device of your choosing to be able to tell which phase of your cycle you’re in but, its simpler than it sounds. You just input when you started bleeding and when you stopped, and the digital tracker will do the rest.
For the calendar part, you will look at your period tracking app and like a calendar cross off each day when you're in each phase. This will allow for yourself or anyone else to be able to take a look at the calendar and see where you're at in whichever phase. This will give so much insight to not only you, but also to the people around you.
Why is this important?
Say it with me ladies… A HAPPY WIFE IS A HAPPY LIFE.
Why TrackHER exists
The entire purpose of TrackHER is not for women to just track their menstrual cycles but to learn about their cycles and understand themselves better. I want women to feel empowered, confident, and sexy no matter what phase they’re in!
What you may think is just a week of a bleeding is actually a 28-35 day cycle.
Using TrackHER, I want you guys to have that “aha” moment just as I did when everything finally fell into place.
The Sweetheart TrackHER, specifically, is meant to open the eyes of those who don’t have a period and don’t truly understand what a woman goes through. Because of the surface level education we receive about the menstrual cycle, plenty of people don’t know how to act or how to react when a woman is on her period and needs a little more extra support. With the TrackHER, they will!
Get one for yourself and/ or your loved ones. Hang it in your room, bathroom, kitchen, wherever you please. Watch how you and the people around you start to understand you on a level you never thought possible.
When I finally taught my boyfriend about my menstrual cycle, you would not believe the difference it made, I finally felt understood. He started to recognize my needs before I did, and of course, I finally concurred the world’s most asked question “are you like, on your period or something?”
Now it’s your turn.
I am so excited to be sharing this with you guys, I can’t wait for you to try it! The TrackHER Calendar will help you learn more about your menstrual cycle and I promise, you’ll gain so much insight so many things will start to make sense. I hope you love it as much as I do.
Love you Queens.
Signing off,
Your code red fairy godmother