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Post 1:
Calling all mothers and daughters. Hi my lovely queens. Girl boss here, how frequently do you feel misunderstood by society? By your boyfriends or husbands? Even by yourself sometimes? Because for me, it was often.
This is because we are all missing such vital information that literally shape us as women. Society hasn’t done the best job educating us regarding our menstrual cycles, but it’s connected to so many more things than we realize.
What if I told you I came up with a solution? A fun, pretty, easy way for everyone to gain the same knowledge I have that will make so many things in your life make sense?
I lost my mother as a little girl, so I never really had anybody to teach me all of the important girl stuff. It was daunting, confusing, overwhelming, and just overall it was too complicated for me to care. All I knew was once a month, I bled and then moved on with my life. Pretty simple right? Wrong.
Hopefully, you can’t relate, but if you can or if you just never had the opportunity to learn about it, today is your lucky day.
I thought to myself – If there was just some way I could get this information out to the world in a less overwhelming, more joyful way… And so, the TrackHER Calendar was born.
It’s not just any regular calendar and its not just a period tracker…
I know what you’re thinking “I already track my menstrual cycle” or maybe “I don’t even track my menstrual cycle,” or what about “How is this going to make everything in my life make sense?”
Well, if you’re thinking the first one, perfect. Let me tell you why you need both. If you’re thinking the second one, let me tell you why you should and if you’re thinking the last, the TrackHER Calendar is how.
Did you know 48.8% of women don’t have a proper understanding of the menstrual cycle?
Did you also know approximately 50 million women worldwide use apps to track their menstrual cycle?
If you haven’t started yet, now is the time queen, but let me tell you why.
Once I started tracking my cycle so many things started to make sense. Things I never thought in a million years could’ve been affected by my menstrual cycle but, as it turns out, they are.
Why I would feel exhausted and drained at 2 pm when I woke up at 10 am? Why my appetite would change so drastically on a random Tuesday? Why I was snapping at everyone around me about little things that didn’t matter? Why I wanted to leave my man once a month for no reason (this could just be a personal one, haha) but you get the just.
It turns out, it was all because of my menstrual cycle, EVEN wanting to leave my man once a month, lol.
You’re probably wondering what a TrackHER Calendar is by now but instead, I’m going to tell you why you need a TrackHER Calendar (it’s the same thing, haha, got ya!)
A TrackHER Calendar tells you the four phases you go through during your menstrual cycle, what happens to you and your body during each phase and… drumroll please... what you can do during each phase to reach your full potential and feel your best.
There are three different versions:
The TrackHER – It tells you whats happening to your body and what you can do to feel your best in each phase.
The gym girl TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body and what you can do in the gym to feel your best during each phase.
The Sweetheart TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body and what your partner can do for you during each phase to help you feel at your best (mom’s this is your holy grail!)
This is why you NEED a TrackHER Calendar in your life, it better explains not only yourself to yourself, but to others around you as well. I’m telling you, it’s life changing.
If you’d like to know how it works head to my website, www.blog.trackhercalendar.com. There you will find everything you need to know and more. I promise you won’t regret it.
Xoxo, Your code red fairy godmother.
Post 2:
Why is tracking your menstrual cycle important?
Here are some key benefits as to why tracking your cycle is important:
- It can help you gain insight into non-hormonal contraceptive methods
- It can aid in pregnancy planning and pregnancy prevention
- It can Identify patterns or irregularities
- It provides insight regarding potential health issues
- It gives you a better understanding of your emotional, mental and physical health
If you haven’t started already, today is the day queen!
Xoxo, your code red fairy godmother.
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Hi girl queens, how often do you feel misunderstood as a woman? From society, from the people around you, even from yourself?
How many times have you heard “Is it your time of the month?” or “Are you on your period?”
This is because we are missing so much information that literally – makes us a woman.
Our menstrual cycles play a much bigger part than we think, but I think I found the solution.
*Spoiler alert it’s a TrackHER Calendar and no, it’s not like every other period tracker*
It’s a guide to women’s bodies in ways you probably never thought possible.
Yes, It tells us the four phases we go through during our cycle, but… it tells you the symptoms, what’s happening to your body during each phase AND what you can do during that phase to feel your best.
If you don’t know about the 4 phases of the 28-35 day menstrual cycle, click the link in my bio and head to “An Overview Of the Menstrual Cycle.”
There are 3 different versions:
The TrackHER – It tells you whats happening to your body and what you can do to feel your best in each phase.
The gym girl TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body and what you can do in the gym to feel your best during each phase.
The Sweetheart TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body and what your partner can do for you during each phase to help you feel at your best and help the relationship run a little more smoothly ;).
You know how people say “A dog is a mans best friend,” this is the girls version of that and guess what, it explains the menstrual cycle in even ways men can understand, CRAZY, I know.
You might be asking yourself, “Why do I care?” Here is why you should.
Tracking your cycle can:
- Help you gain insight into non-hormonal contraceptive methods
- Aid in pregnancy planning and pregnancy prevention
- Identify patterns or irregularities
- Provides insight regarding potential health issues
- Give you a better understanding of your emotional, mental and physical health
If you want to know more about TrackHER Calendars and how it will make your life so much easier, click the link in my bio! I promise you, you won’t regret it.
Xoxo, Your code red fairy god mother.
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Post 1:
Calling all queens! Men, you’re not wanted here, feel free to scroll. How often do you feel misunderstood by society? By your partner? By yourself sometimes? What if I told you it was all related to our menstrual cycle and that I came up with the solution? www.blog.trackhercalendar.com
Post 2:
Women should feel empowered, confident, and sexy no matter what phase they’re in! Queen, if you haven’t already, it’s time to start tracking your cycle. Why? www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 3:
Girls, if you track your cycle using an app, you need a TrackHER Calendar in your life.
www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 4: Fun Fact of the day: 48.8% of women don’t have a proper understanding of the menstrual cycle. If only they knew… www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 5: Girl… If only you knew how much your menstrual cycle affected your day-to-day life, so many more things would make sense.www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 6: A TrackHER Calendar – What every woman needs in her life.www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 7: A TrackHER Calendar – The thing that saved my relationship. www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 8: Would you be surprised if I told you the week when we bleed is only a tiny part of our period?
www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 9: When I finally learned about my menstrual cycle – everything clicked. Your turn queen. www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 10: If you don’t know about the 4 phases of the 28-35 day menstrual cycle, it changed my life. Here’s how: www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 11: The TrackHER Calendar – It tells you what’s happening to your body during each phase and what you can do to feel your best in each phase. www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 12: The gym girl TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body during each phase and what you can do in the gym to feel your best during each phase. www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother
Post 13: The Sweetheart TrackHER – It tells you what’s happening to your body during each menstrual phase and what your partner can do for you to help you feel your best and maybe even help the relationship run a little more smoothly ;). www.blog.trackhercalendar.com xoxo, your code red fairy godmother