a. What is your intended goal and why?
My goal for this campaign is to establish my market presence and introduce my business and my product to my target demographic. An introduction defines who you are as a brand and how you will be perceived by your viewers from here on out, so, to be able to effectively communicate with my target demographic, I must come off strong and clear. I will begin by defining my tone of voice and brand personality to solidify who I am and who I am speaking to. With my tone of voice, I intend to show my audience exactly who I am, not only as a woman but as a brand. To do this, I thought long and hard regarding what I would want to see in a brand like this and, as a 23-year-old woman, what type of content myself and the women around me would feel easily connected to. I believe the reason most consumers stay loyal to brands and consistently support them is due to not only the products and or values of the brand but also the brand’s personality. When people can relate to a brand, it automatically establishes a connection and a sense of community, leading to long term customer relationships.
Menstrual cycles can sometimes be referred to as a sensitive topic and the majority of people are very uneducated regarding this topic. So, through my business, I would also like to take the opportunity to educate anyone who views my content. As a Gen Z, I believe we are the generation that has made society a safe and trusted place for everyone to be themselves, have open discussions and acknowledge the uncomfortable things in life. We are also the generation to take the initiative to educate ourselves on topics that are not talked about enough within society, like, a woman’s menstrual cycle. It has become such a foreign concept for so many that it became automatically dismissed when talked about, and Gen Z is breaking that pattern. With that being said, I intend to use my online platform to not only create a “safe haven” for women, where we can joke and laugh and create a strong relationship through shared experiences but also where they can learn more about themselves.
Eventually, I would like to have a big community of strong women who can connect through the shared experience of just being a girl. We are often misunderstood and throughout learning about my menstrual cycle I was astonished at how much more sense I made to myself. I thought- If everybody would just take the time to learn this information, then just maybe, women wouldn’t be so misunderstood. That is why I came up with this product and that is what I intend to share with my audience. For this campaign, it will be an overview of who I am as the creator of this product, who I am as a brand, why my audience needs my product and how it came to be.
b. Who are you writing for and why?
I am writing to all the women who feel misunderstood, all of the women who are clueless about their menstrual cycle and for all of the women who have heard the famous sarcastic question “is it your time of the month?” My sarcastic Gen Z approach will not be for everyone, but it will be for the community I aim to create.
I am surrounded by strong-willed, stubborn, bold, loud women who are unapologetically themselves. While I was writing my introductory campaign I thought about my aunts, my friends, my mother, my teachers, women who have influenced me over the years and who women are nowadays – or at least, who they wish they could be. That is how I determined my approach. I want my customer base to be people like me and the women I surround myself with. A girl who always felt misunderstood, a girl who was never a part of the right community, a girl who had a tough childhood and had every excuse to just give up, but nonetheless, a girl who kept going, a girl who turned her trauma into strength who is out-going, confident, knows who she is, has fun, laughs loudly and is unapologetically herself. That is who I am writing to, myself.
Because I had to go through the process of learning all about myself, my menstrual cycle and ways to grow and improve, I want to give that same opportunity to women all over the world in a less serious, more interesting and joyful way. I want other women to have that “aha” moment where things click and everything just made sense. I want women to be able to share this information with their husbands, boyfriends, friends, and kids so they too can better understand women. By writing to myself, I am making it easy to connect with my viewers because in a way, I already know who they are. Real people support real brands; through having shared the same experiences I will build my customer base which in turn will build my brand loyalty.
c. What type of “Experience” will you be creating for the visitors? Please explain and justify your reasoning.
I would like to create a joyful, welcoming, “girl squad” type of experience for my visitors. A “safe haven” for women, if you will. A place where the community of women can come together and laugh and finally feel understood. Learning about the menstrual cycle doesn’t sound very exciting, it’s not intriguing, it’s not fun, and it’s made to seem confusing. Through my platform, I will change that narrative and bring women together while doing so. When they visit my website I want them to feel empowered, I want them to be excited about learning about their menstrual cycles and realize the impact it can make on women’s day to day life. The campaign is meant to inspire transformation, collaboration, form a sense of community, and most importantly, be fun for my visitors!
To build a big community of strong women who can connect through the shared experience of just being a girl, I will share my personal experiences and hopefully, through doing this, my audience will feel comfortable enough to share theirs as well. When they visit my page, I want my viewers to feel safe, connected, understood, and give them the platform to express themselves unapologetically. In creating this safe and fun space for women to come together this will help build my credibility, my customer base, establish my brand presence and solidify long-term relationships.